Flu Season and COVID Boosters 2021
Patients will be interested in this years flu vaccination programme and plans for COVID booster vaccinations. It is important to have your jab for your own protection and the protection of the wider community.
The flu programme was expanded in 2020 to include all patients aged over 50 and the same cohorts of patients will be eligible this year. A summary is available of the groups which are eligible for the flu vaccination.
Under 65 Year Old Adult Vaccines
This year different vaccines are used for patients depending on their age. Vaccines are now in stock for patients aged under 65 who qualify for a flu jab due to a long term health condition, who are pregnant or aged 50 to 64. You can check on this link if you are a patient eligible for the vaccination.
Invites will be sent to all eligible patients by text message and letter. The text message contains a link to allow you to select and book an appointment for your vaccination. If you are unable to use the link, you can telephone reception to book once you have received your invite.
Please bear in mind the telephone lines will be exceptionally busy during flu season.
If you are also due a COVID booster vaccination please see the section below.
Over 65 Year Old Adult Vaccines
This year different vaccines are used for patients depending on their age. Vaccines are now in stock for patients aged over 65.
Invites will be sent to all eligible patients by text message and letter. The text message contains a link to allow you to select and book an appointment for your vaccination. If you are unable to use the link, you can telephone reception to book once you have received your invite.
Please bear in mind the telephone lines will be exceptionally busy during flu season.
If you are also due a COVID booster vaccination please see the section below.
Child Nasal Spray (2-3 year olds)
Child flu vaccinations have now been delivered to the surgery and child vaccinations are underway. Parents of eligible children will be invited to telephone the surgery and book an appointment by both text message and letter. The majority of children will have the Nasal spray version of the vaccine, so no needles for our youngest patients!
Parents should note they are expected to wear a face covering when bringing their children to the appointment, please read the additional guidance below.
COVID Boosters
We are now in a position to confirm details of COVID booster vaccinations. Patients who have had both COVID vaccinations will become eligible for a COVID booster vaccination, 6 months (defined as 182 days) after their second dose. The practice will be supplied with a limited amount of COVID booster vaccinations each week and will invite patients to book their vaccination as they fall due, and as vaccine deliveries allow.
We will send invites to patients in the priority recommended by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) only when you become individually eligible (6 months) and when vaccines are available. Invites will be sent to all eligible patients by text message and letter. The text message contains a link to allow you to select and book an appointment for your vaccination. If you are unable to use the link, you can telephone reception to book once you have received your invite.
If you are also due a flu jab the practice will endeavour to give your flu jab and COVID booster at the same appointment where possible. This will not be possible for all patients as stocks of flu vaccine will arrive faster than stocks of COVID vaccine, some patients will therefore be offered their flu jab first in order to give them flu protection at the earliest opportunity.
As well as being invited by the practice, as patients become eligible for their COVID booster they will also receive invites from NHS England to book their vaccination at a vaccination centre. Patients should make their own choice on where to attend.
Please do not telephone the practice regarding COVID Boosters, we will contact you when you become eligible.
Changes this year
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and Social Distancing requirements your flu appointment will seem a little different this year
- You will have to wear a face covering when attending your appointment
- When you arrive and check in please use the hand sanitizer provided
- You must not attend the surgery early before your appointment time, if you do you will not be permitted entry to help us control numbers and maintain social distancing
- Please try not to touch anything in the surgery to assist with cleaning between patients
- The clinician will be wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- You will be asked to minimise your time in the surgery to assist the flow of patients, the clinician will not be able to deal with any other queries during your appointment and you will be asked to leave the surgery promptly
- You can help by wearing appropriate clothing to allow easy access to your arm, wearing short sleeves under your coat is particularly helpful
These measures are in place for the protection of both staff and patients during this exceptionally busy period
This page will be updated regularly with the latest information..
Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation