If you’re in the 40-74 age group without a pre-existing condition, you can expect to receive a letter from us inviting you for a free NHS Health Check every five years.
The NHS health check is a free health check-up for adults in England aged 40-74.
It aims to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. As we get older our risk of developing one of these conditions increases.
You can expect to receive a letter from us inviting you for an NHS Health Check every five years. The health check only takes about 30 minutes.
The nurse/health professional will ask you some simple questions about your lifestyle and family history, measure your height and weight, take your blood pressure and do a blood test. From this they can give you an idea of your risks.
You will then receive personalised advice to help lower your risk. This could include:
- How to improve your diet and the amount of physical activity you do
- How to lose weight or stop smoking
If a particular problem is found, such has high blood pressure, then we will make an appointment for you to see a doctor.