Flu Jabs and Autumn Covid Boosters 2022
This years flu vaccination programme is well underway at High Field Surgery. Thousands of patients have already had their flu jab to protect themselves and the wider community against influenza. It is important to have your jab and your Doctor recommends that all patients who qualify should arrange their annual vaccination.
The flu programme was expanded in 2020 to include all patients aged over 50 and the same cohorts of patients will be eligible this year. A summary is available of the groups which are eligible for the flu vaccination.
Vaccines remain in stock and if you qualify you should now contact the surgery without delay to book a vaccination.
All patients who qualify have already been invited by the surgery at least twice, so please book immediately as we will not keep sending invites.
If you are also due a COVID booster vaccination please see the section below.
Child Nasal Spray (2-3 year olds)
Child flu vaccinations are in stock and around half our eligible children have already been vaccinated. Parents of eligible children should telephone the surgery and book an appointment as soon as possible. Invites have already been sent to the parents of eligible children by letter and text message. The majority of children will have the Nasal spray version of the vaccine, so no needles for our youngest patients!
Autumn COVID Boosters
For the Autumn Covid Booster Campaign patients who have previously had a both initial COVID vaccinations, or a previous Covid Booster, will became eligible for a COVID booster vaccination 3 months after their previous dose. The practice has already called and vaccinated thousands of our patients.
We expect to have stocks of vaccine until the end of November so if you wish to have your booster at High Field you should book without delay.
Once our vaccine stocks run out we will stop giving boosters at the surgery, qualifying patients will be able to book a vaccination centre.
The booster vaccine we are giving is Comirnaty (Pfizer) Bivalent.
If you are also due a flu jab the practice will give your flu jab and COVID booster at the same appointment where possible.
As well as being invited by the practice, as patients become eligible for their COVID booster they will also receive invites from NHS England to book their vaccination at a vaccination centre. Patients should make their own choice on where to attend.
Reminder when attending your appointment
When you arrive and check in please use the hand sanitizer provided
You will be asked to minimise your time in the surgery to assist the flow of patients, the clinician will not be able to deal with any other queries during your appointment and you will be asked to leave the surgery promptly
You can help by wearing appropriate clothing to allow easy access to your arm, wearing short sleeves under your coat is particularly helpful
Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation